Lumpy Floors Can be Caused by...
Lumpy floors can be caused by a lack of foundational support in the crawl space. SmartJacks can add additional support to specific locations under the home.
Solve Sagging, Bouncy Floor Problems
The best way to solve sagging, bouncy floor problems is to install SmartJack posts beneath the beam that supports your crawl space joists. This engineered structural system won't settle like masonry piers can; nor will it rot or shift like a wood post.
Installation Process of SmartJacks
After the PowerBrace Beams are installed at the proper location, the baseplates are installed. The SmartJacks will be placed in between. The installers will adjust the SmartJacks and stabilization will be achieved.
After the SmartJacks Were Installed
SmartJacks with PowerBrace Beams support the lumpy areas of the floor.