Large Exterior Cracks
This homeowner first noticed that there was a problem with his home's foundation by the large cracks on the exterior of the home. Cracks often start from the corner of windows or vents and stair-step towards the ground.
Push Piers
Our inspector, Brian Hunter, suggested that the homeowner have push piers installed to lift the home and close the cracks. Push Piers permanently stabilize your home’s foundation and in many cases can lift your home back to level.
Installation Process
To install the Push Piers, our installers dig about a two-foot wide hole to start installing the push pier. Don't worry, after the installation, the hole is filled and completely invisible!
How Push Piers Work
Steel tubes are hydraulically driven through steel foundation brackets to reach the depths of capable load-bearing strata. The weight of your home is then transferred from the original, unstable soils, through the piers, to the competent soil or bedrock.
Laser Leveling
Once the project is complete our production team uses a laser level to benchmark areas of the home, so that when we come back for service appointments we can make sure that the home is not continuing to settle and the home is still lifted properly.