2 Main Foundation Pier Support Options

2 Main Foundation Pier Support Options - Image 1

Push Piers

Steel push piers permanently support the foundation of your home. In many circumstances, this method can also help to level your property, with the potential to close cracks and free up sticking doors & windows.

The process: First, the earth around your foundation's footing is removed. Hydraulically driven steel pier sections are driven through the bracket to bedrock or a stable soil layer. The weight of the house is then transmitted from the concrete foundation to the deep load-bearing earth or bedrock via the steel bracket and piers. A lift might then be attempted to return the house to its original position. After the stabilization and lift are finished, the earth is backfilled to conceal the system and your home is permanently stabilized in its new location.

When to use them: Push piers are the least risky choice when local soil composition is unknown. They are driven at high contact pressures all the way to bedrock or a stable soil layer using high-capacity hydraulic pumps and cylinders. Push piers are a fantastic choice if you want the following results:

  • Best opportunity to lift the home back up to its original position

  • Minimal disturbance from installation

  • Quick installation compared to the other solutions (often one to two days)

  • Problem solved once and for all

When not to use them: When installing piers on lightweight buildings such as stoops or decks, the weight of the structure may not be adequate to force the push piers to an appropriate depth.

Helical piers, for example, might be a more effective option.

Advantages of Push Piers

  1. This system goes considerably deeper than other options. A friction-reducing collar is attached to the specially engineered starting tube. This permits the piers to move deeper to reach bedrock or other stable soil layers, ensuring the foundation's long-term durability.

  2. A patented bracket and exterior sleeve are also included in the system. The external sleeve reinforces the pier system directly below the bracket, preventing kinking and bending and ensuring a vertical installation all the way to the component soils.

  3. Installation does not necessitate the use of heavy equipment, and it is less intrusive to the surrounding area.

  4. Galvanized pier sections will not rust

  5. As a below grade solution, it is concealed from sight

  6. Can often lift the foundation back toward its original position

Helical Piers

2 Main Foundation Pier Support Options - Image 2

Another form of steel pier that may be utilized to permanently secure your property are helical piers.

They are named from their distinctive appearance. One or more helix-shaped blades are welded to the shaft of the first section that is advanced into the ground, allowing it to be mechanically screwed into the soil. These piers may be installed from the outside or inside of your home and allow you to raise the house back to its original position. This can result in some cracks closing and doors and windows becoming simpler to open and close.

The process: First, the dirt in the region where the helical pier will be installed is removed. Using sophisticated hydraulic machinery, the first pier section is screwed into the earth. Additional steel sections are then added to extend the pier to the required depths & capacities, and a steel foundation bracket is affixed to your foundation's footing and connected to the helical piers. The weight of the house is subsequently transmitted to capable load-bearing soils deep under the surface via the helical piers. This technique may also be used to attempt to lift your home back to its original position. Once the soil around the installation area is replaced, the entire system is hidden from view.

When to use them: Helical piers are an excellent choice for permanently supporting your property, regardless of its weight. Helical piers are a suitable choice if you have the following objectives:

  • Bring the home back toward its original position

  • Stabilize a lighter structure that has settled, such as a deck or stoop

  • Minimal disturbance from installation

  • Quicker installation compared to other solutions

  • Problem solved once and for all

When not to use them: If a stiff soil layer at the surface is encountered, which may be above the troublesome soil layer, less skilled helical pier installers may not advance the pier deep enough.

Advantages of Helical Piers

  1. Helical piers can support both heavy and light loads.

  2. A patented bracket and an exterior sleeve are included. The external sleeve reinforces the pier system directly beneath the bracket, preventing kinking and bending, which can severely damage other systems.

  3. True helix blade shape disturbs less soil and advances much deeper than non-helix shaped systems

  4. Galvanized system will not rust

  5. As a below-grade solution, it’s concealed from sight

  6. Can often lift foundation back toward its original position

If you are noticing signs of a foundation issue around your home, we provide free inspections to homeowners. To schedule a free inspection of your foundation, click here.

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Lowcountry Foundation and Crawl Space Repair
145 Commercial Ct.
Rincon, GA 31326

Lowcountry Foundation and Crawl Space Repair
240 Mercer Jct
Macon, GA 31210
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